
I recently finished reading Strangers in Their Own Land, in which Arlie Hochschild profiles Tea Party supporters and activists in Louisianna. She mostly writes about their opposition to government restriction and their embrace of family, community, and G-d. While I was reading, I wondered, what policies does the White Working Class want? Or is their policy preference defined entirely in opposition to government doing anything.

To answer this question, I looked at a dataset from DataForProgress, in which they asked respondents about their preference for a variety of different policies.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)
data = read_csv(here::here('content', 'post_data', 'polls', 'DFP_WTHH_release.csv'))

First, I’ll create a race-education variable.

data = data %>%
    education = if_else(educ <= 4, 'No 4-Year College Degree', '4-Year College Degree or Higher')

data$race_education = paste0(data$race, '-', data$education)

data = data %>% filter(race %in% c(1:4))

I want to do a factor analysis on the questionnaire to see if I can group policies together.


factor_item = factor_item %>% mutate_all(~ if_else(. ==6, NA_real_, .))

factor_item = factor_item %>% mutate_all(scale, center = T, scale = T)
ev <- eigen(cor(factor_item, use = 'na.or.complete')) # get eigenvalues
ap <- parallel(subject=nrow(factor_item),var=ncol(factor_item),
nS <- nScree(x=ev$values, aparallel=ap$eigen$qevpea)

It looks like there are four factors

# Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis
# entering raw data and extracting 3 factors,
# with varimax rotation
fit <- factanal(na.omit(factor_item), 4, rotation="varimax")
print(fit, digits=2, cutoff=.3, sort=TRUE)
## Call:
## factanal(x = na.omit(factor_item), factors = 4, rotation = "varimax")
## Uniquenesses:
##                       PATH                     BORDER 
##                       0.87                       0.18 
##                       0.25                       0.54 
##                       0.42                       0.31 
##   SOCIALDOMINANCE_SUPERIOR                      POP_3 
##                       0.74                       0.69 
##                        ICE                  BAIL_item 
##                       0.51                       0.66 
##                    WELTEST                  PUBLICINT 
##                       0.36                       0.55 
##                   GREENJOB                     POLFEE 
##                       0.48                       0.33 
##                  PUBLICGEN                       BOND 
##                       0.57                       0.46 
##                   FREECOLL                     WEALTH 
##                       0.26                       0.31 
##                        AVR                        M4A 
##                       0.43                       0.25 
##                     MARREP                      MARAM 
##                       0.77                       0.33 
##                     MARLEG                      YEMEN 
##                       0.40                       0.90 
##                   SOLITARY                       GUNS 
##                       0.69                       0.43 
##                 POLCORRECT 
##                       0.41 
## Loadings:
##                            Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4
## BORDER                     -0.77   -0.33                  
## DEPORT                     -0.76                          
## ICE                         0.57    0.32                  
## WELTEST                    -0.69                   -0.33  
## M4A                         0.58    0.55                  
## POLCORRECT                  0.62    0.33                  
## PUBLICINT                           0.56                  
## GREENJOB                            0.61                  
## POLFEE                      0.36    0.65                  
## PUBLICGEN                           0.61                  
## BOND                        0.39    0.58                  
## FREECOLL                    0.50    0.63                  
## WEALTH                      0.34    0.69                  
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_PRIORITIES                  0.56          
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_NOTPUSH    -0.31   -0.30   -0.60          
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_EQUALIDEAL          0.34    0.70          
## MARAM                                               0.71  
## MARLEG                                              0.65  
## PATH                       -0.33                          
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_SUPERIOR                   -0.43          
## POP_3                      -0.46                          
## BAIL_item                           0.32            0.36  
## AVR                         0.44    0.50                  
## MARREP                              0.46                  
## YEMEN                                                     
## SOLITARY                    0.39                          
## GUNS                        0.48    0.48    0.33          
##                Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4
## SS loadings       4.89    4.69    2.35    1.96
## Proportion Var    0.18    0.17    0.09    0.07
## Cumulative Var    0.18    0.35    0.44    0.51
## Test of the hypothesis that 4 factors are sufficient.
## The chi square statistic is 1040.2 on 249 degrees of freedom.
## The p-value is 3.52e-97
# plot factor 1 by factor 2
load <- fit$loadings[,1:4]
##                                Factor1    Factor2     Factor3     Factor4
## PATH                       -0.32748728 -0.0320810 -0.10583197 -0.07458352
## BORDER                     -0.76646444 -0.3279173 -0.28814165 -0.21430219
## DEPORT                     -0.76265056 -0.1998567 -0.29494040 -0.21499691
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_PRIORITIES  0.24802915  0.2759873  0.55679822  0.12791728
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_NOTPUSH    -0.30696191 -0.3045940 -0.60471282 -0.15019642
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_EQUALIDEAL  0.24830382  0.3418335  0.69802800  0.14358090
## SOCIALDOMINANCE_SUPERIOR   -0.21340927 -0.1071404 -0.42580550 -0.15472208
## POP_3                      -0.46270509 -0.1812516 -0.17503672 -0.18589847
## ICE                         0.57301828  0.3214573  0.13461294  0.19735587
## BAIL_item                   0.29252380  0.3206723  0.14626890  0.36112189
## WELTEST                    -0.69043955 -0.1372896 -0.19705230 -0.32975948
## PUBLICINT                   0.23885675  0.5637251  0.18801240  0.20055373
## GREENJOB                    0.18910059  0.6142404  0.25216437  0.21531503
## POLFEE                      0.36299450  0.6530744  0.27712740  0.18922597
## PUBLICGEN                   0.09890935  0.6051896  0.09921924  0.19870932
## BOND                        0.38745693  0.5788993  0.12582616  0.20939481
## FREECOLL                    0.50088663  0.6326282  0.21012005  0.20763016
## WEALTH                      0.33531263  0.6884247  0.22670662  0.21853054
## AVR                         0.44493683  0.4975190  0.26083509  0.23375774
## M4A                         0.58239173  0.5463843  0.23848257  0.23337750
## MARREP                      0.01703181  0.4560955  0.14693220  0.02587246
## MARAM                       0.25028115  0.2315998  0.19832551  0.71411993
## MARLEG                      0.29478004  0.2405518  0.17819001  0.65132963
## YEMEN                       0.19057439  0.1423934  0.05776742  0.18940542
## SOLITARY                    0.38596133  0.2459442  0.13711567  0.27813160
## GUNS                        0.48017462  0.4778210  0.32584633  0.07081249
## POLCORRECT                  0.62480321  0.3328249  0.27408196  0.09668757

So, the four factors are:

  1. Pro-border wall, pro deportation of undocumented immigrants, against free college, against political correctness
  2. Against green-jobs, against wealth-tax, and against free college
  3. Against equality between groups should be ideal
  4. Against marijuana reform

Let’s create the factor scores

create_factor_vars = function(index){
  fact = rownames(fit$loadings)[abs(fit$loadings[,index]) >= .3]
  reverse_code = rownames(fit$loadings)[(fit$loadings[,index]) <= -.3]
  fact_name = paste0('fact_', index)
  data <<- data %>% mutate_at(reverse_code, function(x) (max(x, na.rm = T) + 1) - x )
  data[[fact_name]] <<- rowMeans(data[,fact], na.rm = T)


walk(1:4, create_factor_vars) 

And see where the white working class scores relative to everyone else on these measures

  • 1 = White
  • 2 = Black
  • 3 = Hispanic
  • 4 = Other

data_long = data %>% select(fact_1:fact_4, race_education) %>% gather(key, value, -race_education)

ggplot(data_long, aes(x = value, y = race_education, fill = race_education)) + 
  stat_density_ridges(quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, .5, 0.975), alpha = 0.7) + facet_wrap(~ key)

In the above group, the three lines represent the 25th, median, and 75th percentile

The thing that pops out to me is that the White Working Class is drastically different from everyone else – take a look at the medians. They often line up for everyone except the White Working Class.

To summarise, they are

  1. More Pro-border wall, pro deportation of undocumented immigrants than everyone else
  2. More against green-jobs and a wealth tax than everyone else
  3. More against equality between groups should be ideal than
  4. In line with almost everyone else on marijuana reform.